Research Article

Ammonium-Dependent Shortening of CLS in Yeast Cells Starved for Essential Amino Acids Is Determined by the Specific Amino Acid Deprived, through Different Signaling Pathways

Figure 1

Ammonium-induced cell death during yeast aging in water is dependent on the specific auxotrophy-complementing amino acid deprived from the starvation medium. Survival of wild-type S. cerevisiae (BY4742) cells, nonstarved or starved for leucine, histidine, or lysine, in different combinations upon ((a) and (c)) transfer to water (open symbol) or ((b) and (d)) water with (NH4)2SO4, 0.5% (dark symbol). In all the cultures, starting cell density was about 3.8 × 107 and the initial pH was adjusted to 7.0. Values are means ± SEM ( ). (b) ** (aa-starved H2O + versus Lys-starved H2O + ), ** (aa-starved H2O + versus Leu-starved H2O + ), and *** (nonstarved H2O + versus Lys-starved H2O + ); (d) * (nonstarved H2O + versus His-Lys-starved H2O + ), ** (aa-starved H2O + versus Leu-His-starved H2O + ), and *** (aa-starved H2O + versus His-Lys-starved H2O + ). Statistical analysis was performed by two-way ANOVA. All time points have error bars; however, for time points with reduced standard error, they are not visible.