Research Article

Comparative Effects of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Microglial Activation

Figure 3

Quantitative changes of protein or cytokine expression in microglia cocultured with BMMSC or BMMSC-sf. Q-PCR results revealed that the expression of iNOS (a), IL1β (c), TNFα (e), IL-10 (f), and MMP-9 (h) was induced in LPS- (L-) treated microglia (M) or LPS-treated cocultures of microglia with BMMSC (b) or with BMMSC-sf (Bsf). By contrast, levels of arginase I, IL-4, and MMP-2 did not change among treatments. (a) iNOS was upregulated in LPS-stimulated MB or MBsf coculture for 24 hrs. The levels of IL-1β in (c) were upregulated by LPS stimulation at both 6 and 24 hrs. Higher expression levels of TNF-α in (e) and IL-10 in (f) were found at 6 hrs than at 24 hrs after LPS stimulation. BMMSC cocultured with microglia for 6 hr reduced LPS-stimulated IL-10 level. (h) MMP-9 levels were induced by LPS in all cultures. BMMSC cocultured with microglia for 24 hrs reduced LPS-stimulated upregulation. y-axis in (a)–(h) was the fold changes of gene expression in non- or LPS-stimulated microglia. Determinations are means ± SEM from RT-QPCR experiments. LPS LPS stimulation versus no LPS stimulation at 6 hrs treatment. LPS stimulation versus no LPS stimulation at 24 hrs.