Review Article

Plasma Lipoproteins as Mediators of the Oxidative Stress Induced by UV Light in Human Skin: A Review of Biochemical and Biophysical Studies on Mechanisms of Apolipoprotein Alteration, Lipid Peroxidation, and Associated Skin Cell Responses

Figure 5

(a) Absorbance of apolipoprotein and quercetin radicals in HDL3. (⚪) Transient absorbance spectra of 12.5 μM HDL3 in N2O saturated 10 mM pH 7 phosphate buffer containing 0.1 M KBr recorded 200 ms after oxidation with 3.2 μM of radical-anions. (□, ■) The same but solutions contained 18.75 μM HDL3, 5 μM HSA, and 5 μM QH. Spectra were recorded at 30 ms (□) and 700 ms (■) after oxidation with 2.9 μM of radical-anions. (b) Absorbance of apoB100 and quercetin radicals in LDL. (⚪) Transient absorbance spectra of 1.6 μM LDL in N2O saturated 10 mM, pH 7, recorded 16 ms after oxidation with 4.0 μM of radical-anions. (□, ■) The same but the solutions contained 2.4 μM LDL, 5 μM HSA, and 5 μM QH. Spectra were recorded at 30 ms (□) and 1.2 s (■) after oxidation with 3.2 μM of radical-anions. Redrawn from data in [32].