Research Article

Magnesium Can Protect against Vanadium-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in the Hepatic Tissue

Table 2

Main and interactive effects of Vend, Mgend, Feexg, Vexg and Mgexg on the MDA level measured in liver supernatants obtained from the SMV-MS coapplied rats incubated in in vitro conditions with , or .

Three-way ANOVA analysisaCharacter of interaction revealed or character of a trend toward interaction

LPO modified by
 Main effect of Vend , P = 0.000
 Main effect of Mgend , P = 0.001
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  Mgend , P = 0.006Antagonisticb
 Main effect of , P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of  ×  VendF = 12.317, P = 0.001Synergisticc
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendF = 6.995, P = 0.010Antagonisticd
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendF = 5.526, P = 0.021

LPO modified by
 Main effect of VendF = 75.402, P = 0.000
 Main effect of MgendF = 29.066, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  MgendF = 6.950, P = 0.051Antagonisticb
 Main effect of F = 206.252, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendF = 46.205, P = 0.000Synergistice
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendF = 12.570, P = 0.001Antagonisticf
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

LPO modified by
 Main effect of Vend F = 51.672, P = 0.000
 Main effect of MgendF = 16.998, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  MgendF = 2.999, P = 0.088Antagonisticb
 Main effect of F = 372.550, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendF = 35.037, P = 0.000Synergistice
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendF = 8.299, P = 0.005Antagonisticf
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

LPO modified by
 Main effect of VendF = 61.594, P = 0.000
 Main effect of MgendF = 14.220, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  MgendF = 5.271, P = 0.025Antagonisticb
 Main effect of F = 1026.907, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendF = 42.650, P = 0.000Synergistice
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendF = 6.158, P = 0.015Antagonisticf
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

LPO modified by
 Main effect of Vend F = 38.869, P = 0.000
 Main effect of MgendF = 49.991, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  MgendF = 12.331, P = 0.001Antagonisticb
 Main effect of NS
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

LPO modified by
 Main effect of VendF = 39.615, P = 0.000
 Main effect of MgendF = 48.829, P = 0.000
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  MgendF = 16.616, P = 0.000Antagonisticb
 Main effect of F = 4.838, P = 0.031
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

LPO modified by
 Main effect of Vend ,
 Main effect of Mgend ,
 Interactive effect of Vend  ×  Mgend , Antagonisticb
 Main effect of ,
 Interactive effect of   ×  VendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  MgendNS
 Interactive effect of   ×  Vend  ×  MgendNS

Vend and Mgend: endogenous V (NaVO3, SMV) and Mg (MgSO4, MS) which were received in combination for 18 weeks; Feexg, Vexg, Mgexg: exogenous Fe (FeSO4), V (NaVO3) and Mg (MgSO4) added to liver supernatants obtained from the SMV-MS-coadministered rats.
aData are presented as values and the levels of significance ( ). NS: no significant effect.
bThe effect of Vend and Mgend in combination in the presence of or or < sum of the effects of Vend and Mgend alone in the presence of or or (antagonistic interaction).
cThe effect of Vend and   in combination in the presence of Mgend > sum of the effects of Vend and   alone in the presence of Mgend (synergistic interaction).
dThe effect of Mgend and   in combination in the presence of Vend < sum of the effects of Mgend and   alone in the presence of Vend (antagonistic interaction).
eThe effect of Vend and   in combination in the presence of Mgend > sum of the effects of Vend and   alone in the presence of Mgend (synergistic interaction).
fThe effect of Mgend and   in combination in the presence of Vend < sum of the effects of Mgend and   alone in the presence of Vend (antagonistic interaction).