Research Article

Ethanol and Acetate Acting as Carbon/Energy Sources Negatively Affect Yeast Chronological Aging

Figure 1

FPS1 inactivation increases CLS in concert with a decreased uptake of ethanol and acetate. Bar charts of extracellular ethanol (a) and acetate (b) concentrations measured at the indicated time-points in wild type (wt) and fps1Δ mutant cultures during chronological aging. Day 0, diauxic shift. Data were obtained from mean values determined in three independent experiments. Standard deviations are indicated. (c) CLS of wt and fps1Δ mutant cells. At every time-point, viability was determined by counting CFUs on YEPD plates. 72 h after the diauxic shift (Day 3) was considered the first age-point (see Section 2). One representative experiment is shown.