Research Article

Nrf2 Is Crucial to Graft Survival in a Rodent Model of Heart Transplantation

Figure 6

CD11b+ macrophages increase significantly in spleens of Nrf2 KO recipients. (a) Flow cytometry analysis on spleens isolated from recipient mice (Nrf2 WT, KO, or WT + SF) at either day 2 (2 d) or day 5 (5 d) after transplantation shows a significant increase in CD11b+ cells in the KO spleens. (b) illustrates relative mRNA levels of CD11b (solid bars) and F4/80 (striped bars) in donated Balb/c hearts at 2 and 5 days after transplant. No notable change above 2-fold was observed between the Nrf2 recipient groups.