Research Article

Thiol Redox Sensitivity of Two Key Enzymes of Heme Biosynthesis and Pentose Phosphate Pathways: Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase and Transketolase

Table 1

Label-free MS quantification of reversibly oxidised Cys residues of Hem12p and Tkl1p using Progenesis. Peptides detected in a shotgun proteomic screen of reversibly oxidised Cys residues using the redox affinity enrichment approach in WT and ΔGrx2 yeast strains ±1 mM H2O2. Units are arbitrary for intensity of parent ions.

Protein and Cys peptidePeak intensity of oxidized Cys peptide (arbitrary units)
WTWT + H2O2ΔGrx2ΔGrx2 + H2O2

Tkl1p (Cys622)
Hem12p (Cys26)

*Hem12p had a sixfold increase in the detection of reversibly oxidised Cys26 in the ΔGrx2 strain compared to WT ( ). **Tkl1p was increased in both strains after H2O2 treatment and more significantly in the ΔGrx2 strain; this peptide was detected with ( ) and ( ). Peak intensities are given in arbitrary units ×104 (Tkl1p) and ×103 (Hem12p).