Review Article

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Activity in Hypothermia and Rewarming: Can RONS Modulate the Beneficial Effects of Therapeutic Hypothermia?

Figure 1

Portal vein flow (PVF) versus body temperature in anesthetized rats during cooling. After induction of anesthesia, animals were placed on a cooling/rewarming table. Animals were cooled at a mean rate of −0.25°C/min. Rats ( ) were intubated through the trachea and mechanically ventilated with room air. The portal vein circulation was analyzed using a laser-doppler blood flow meter by means of a fiberoptic probe positioned around the portal vein. The curve was calculated by taking the mean of PVF values of all the animals (referred to as a percentage of the starting point) at 5 min intervals and plotting each of these as one point. Note that blood flow is kept close to basal value during the beginning of the cooling (unshaded area) but it dropped drastically under 30 degrees of body temperature (shaded area) [33].