Review Article

Link between Cancer and Alzheimer Disease via Oxidative Stress Induced by Nitric Oxide-Dependent Mitochondrial DNA Overproliferation and Deletion

Figure 6

The distribution of NOS1-3 and ET-1 immunopositive gold particles in metastatic tumor vessel endothelium and hepatocytes that determined by using Post-embedding triple immunogold labeling techniques. (a) Clusters of NOS2 positive gold particles (20 nm, thick arrows) but not NOS3 (5nm, single thin arrow) and ET-1 (10nm, double arrow) were seen in tumor vessel endothelium. X100,000. (b) The expression of NOS1 (20 nm single arrow) was seen in the matrix of lipid laden hepatocytes in tumor growth area. NOS3 (10nm) and ET-1 (5nm) positive gold particles indicated by double and thin single arrow. X100,000. (c) Clusters of ET-1 (20 nm, single arrows) but not NOS1 (10 nm, double arrow) and NOS3 (5nm, single thin arrow) positive gold particles in the cytoplasmic matrix of hepatocytes were seen. X100,000. (d) EC from metastatic liver microvessels prepared as negative controls (through omission of the primary antibody) showed only the presence of single gold particles (10 nm, double arrow). X100,000. Reprinted with permission of J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol [2].