Review Article

Oxidative Stress in Aging: Advances in Proteomic Approaches

Figure 3

Cellular dysfunctions in aging or in age-related diseases by oxidative stress imbalance. (1) Cell metabolism generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which in turn causes oxidative/nitrosative damage. (2) Proteins are the most affected macromolecules by oxidative stress, undergoing several modifications that avoid their being correctly degraded and recycled by the proteasome, thus generating impaired protein function. (3) Oxidative stress also directly affects cytoskeletal proteins, causing structural damage and signaling alterations. (4) On affecting the mitochondria, oxidative stress alters energy production and (5) on affecting peroxisomes, oxidative stress alters correct metabolic functioning. (6) Oxidative stress also affects the cellular membrane. (7) Finally, all of the previously mentioned affections cause an alteration in the transcriptional activity of the cell, leading to an altered gene expression that in turn leads the cell to the aging process or to degenerative disease.