Research Article

Polydatin Alleviates Small Intestine Injury during Hemorrhagic Shock as a SIRT1 Activator

Table 1

Survival time and rate of rats following severe shock (mean ± SD).

GroupWeight (g)Blood loss (mL/100 g)Median survival time (h)24 h survival rate

Control 205.1 ± 7.40488/8
Vehicle206.6 ± 6.33.2 ± 0.18aa0/8aa
PD209.1 ± 7.53.2 ± 0.127bb5/8bb
PD/Ex527204 ± 6.43.1 ± 0.110.5aacc0/8aacc

compared with the control group; bb compared with the vehicle group; cc compared with the PD group.