Review Article

DNA Damage in Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation of Clinical Biomarkers

Figure 1

Markers of DNA damage measured frequently in CKD. (a) DNA double-strand breaks can result in the loss of chromosome fragments, which might form micronuclei quantifiable in the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay. Shown is a model of a DNA double-strand break in the DNA helix. The scheme above illustrates the emergence of a micronucleus from a broken chromosome in the anaphase of mitosis. Above this, a typical micronuclei highlighted with a yellow arrow in a double nucleated cell is depicted. (b) DNA single strand breaks can be detected with the comet assay. Shown is a model of a DNA single strand break in the helix, as well as a picture of damaged nuclei after processing in the comet assay. (c) The oxidative DNA modification 8-oxodG can be either measured by HPLC or by ELISA, in DNA, serum, or urine. Shown is a typical peak of 8-oxodG appearing in the HPLC-MS/MS measurement and a scheme of an ELISA plate.