Clinical Study

Expression of Neutral Endopeptidase, Endothelin-1, and Nuclear Factor Kappa B in Prostate Cancer: Interrelations and Associations with Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy

Table 4

Multivariate Cox regression analysis.

VariableGroupsHR [95% CI]

NEPlow vs high4.386 [1.305–14.706]0.017
ET-1low vs high0.636 [0.167–2.422]0.507
NFκBlow vs high0.851 [0.273–2.652]0.781
pre-op PSA<10 vs ≥100.334 [0.101–1.097]0.071
Gleason score≤7 (3 + 4) vs ≥7 (4 + 3)0.637 [0.276–1.473]0.291
pT stage≤2 vs ≥30.330 [0.137–0.795]0.013
SMs(−) vs (+)0.485 [0.247–0.953]0.036

pT stage: pathologic TNM stage; SMs: surgical margins; pre-op PSA: preoperative PSA; HR: hazard ratio; CI: confidence interval; statistical value; vs = versus.