Research Article

Perceived Changes in Communication as an Effect of STN Surgery in Parkinson's Disease: A Qualitative Interview Study

Table 3

Overview of findings.


(1) Increased and unexpected communication difficulties(1.1) Weak and monotonous voice
(1.2) Vulnerable speech function affects intelligibility
(1.3) Stuttering
(1.4) Difficulty reading and writing
(1.5) Changed auditory feedback
(1.6) Mental fatigue
(1.7) Freezing of the mind

(2) Strategies to improve communication(2.1) Speech techniques
(2.2) Communicative partners’ support
(2.3) Changing medical and stimulation parameters

(3) Mixed feelings surrounding the surgery(3.1) An unavoidable, drastic decision
(3.2) Improved quality of life
(3.3) Uncertainty and lack of information