Review Article

Critical Aspects of Clinical Trial Design for Novel Cell and Gene Therapies

Table 1

Comparison of tissue/cell sources for cell replacement strategies in PD.

Type of cellAvailability/expandability/proliferationCapacity to differentiate into DA phenotypesTumor formation potentialEthical concernsGIDMajor advantage

Fetal VM tissue+/−+++++Clinical experience
Embryonic stem cells++++++++?Expandability and differentiation
Neural stem cells+++/−+/−?Opportunity of autotransplantation
Mesenchymal somatic stem cells++/−??Opportunity of autotransplantation
Reprogrammed somatic cells++++++?Easily approached autologous source (e.g., fibroblasts retrieved from skin biopsies)

(?): unknown, (−): none, (+/−): poor, (+): some, (++): readily observable, (+++): extensive.