Research Article

Walking Ability Is a Major Contributor to Fear of Falling in People with Parkinson's Disease: Implications for Rehabilitation

Table 2

Multiple linear regression with fear of falling (FES(S) scores) as the dependent variable among people with Parkinson’s diseasea, b.

Significant independent variablescB (95% CI)βP-valueAdjusted
Stepwise changeCumulative

Walking difficulties (Walk 12-G)1.7 (1.2, 2.2)0.55<0.0010.6800.680
Fatigue (FACIT-F)0.74 (0.26, 1.2)0.220.0030.0230.703
Turning hesitations (item 6, FOGQsa)11 (2.5, 19.6)0.150.0120.0140.717
Need help from others in daily activities10 (0.96, 19)0.130.0300.0100.727
Fluctuations−7.6 (−15, −0.48)−0.110.0370.0080.735

aFor the regression analysis, scores were adjusted to be in the same direction: higher scores = more problems.
bIndependent variables in the analysis were fatigue (FACIT-F), age (years), PD-duration (years), pain (NHP), turning hesitations (item 6, FOGQsa: dichotomized, 1 = turning hesitations), fluctuations (1 = yes), dyskinesia (1 = yes), freezing (item 3, FOGQsa: dichotomized, 1 = freezing), falls (1 = yes), near falls (1 = yes), need help from others in daily activities (1 = yes), and walking difficulties (Walk12-G).
cListed by order of entry into the model (forward method).
B: regression coefficient; CI: confidence interval; β: standardized regression coefficient.