Clinical Study

Predictors of Cognitive Decline in the Early Stages of Parkinson's Disease: A Brief Cognitive Assessment Longitudinal Study

Table 2

Mini-mental state examination scores’ variation.

MMSE scores Mean variation

Total score27.20 (2.544) 27.11 (2.745)−0.098 (4%)0.678
Orientation9.59 (0.844)9.48 (0.924)−0.115 (1%)0.289
Attention and calculation4.00 (1.252)4.07 (1.276)0.066 (2%)0.636
Recall 2.31 (0.720) 2.39 (0.737)0.082 (4%)0.450
Language7.62 (0.522)7.67 (0.598)0.492 (1%)0.496
Visuoconstructive ability 0.66 (0.479) 0.54 (0.502)−0.115 (17%)0.090

Values are mean standard deviation or mean variation (percent variation). Negative value means decrease from to . value is significance for paired sample student’s -tests. Registration scores remained constant throughout the study.