Clinical Study

Predictors of Cognitive Decline in the Early Stages of Parkinson's Disease: A Brief Cognitive Assessment Longitudinal Study

Table 3

Frontal assessment battery scores’ variation.

FAB scores Mean variation

Total11.20 (2.971)11.30 (3.309)0.115 (1%)0.738
Similarities 0.90 (0.810)0.87 (0.826)−0.033 (4%)0.766
Lexical fluency1.93 (0.873)1.72 (0.968)−0.213 (11%)0.022*
Motor series2.15 (0.946)2.25 (0.925) 0.0984 (4%)0.451
Conflicting instructions1.77 (1.131)1.92 (1.187)0.1475 (8%)0.268
Go-No Go1.51 (0.868)1.56 (1.009)0.0492 (3%)0.717
Prehension behaviour330

Values are mean standard deviation or mean variation (percent variation). Negative value means decrease from to . value is significance for paired sample student’s -tests. Prehension behaviour scores remained constant throughout the study. * .