Clinical Study

Reliability and Validity of the Persian Version of the Fatigue Severity Scale in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Table 3

The Spearman correlation to evaluate the convergent validity of the FSS questionnaire in association with the baseline and disease-related variables in Iranian Parkinson’s disease patients ( ).

Scale/variableSpearman Rho value

Duration of disease0.2840.007 *
 Part I-mental 0.2640.012 *
 Part II-ADL0.519<0.001*
 Part III-motor0.521<0.001*
 Part IV-complications0.2310.029 *
Hoehn and Yahr stage0.478<0.001*
Schwab and England ADL scale−0.487<0.001*
Daily levodopa dose0.1280.233

Statistical significant correlation ( ).