Research Article

Executive Function and Postural Instability in People with Parkinson’s Disease

Table 6

Correlations between cognitive function and the gait and balance measures for the control group.

TBS scoreTGS scoreTTS scoreBBS scoreTUG (s)FR (cm)

ACE score.217 (.373)−.024 (.924).063 (.797).169 (.489).143 (559)−.071 (.772)
MMSE score.202 (.407)−.305 (.204)−.231 (.341)−.101 (.681).152 (.535)−.302 (.209)
TMT-A (s).129 (.598).337 (.158).398 (.091)−.018 (.941).449 (.054)−.383 (.106)
TMT-B (s).172 (.481)−.021 (.931).046 (.853).053 (.829).356 (.135)−.134 (.585)
TMT-B error.102 (.678).201 (.410).243 (.317).077 (.755).395 (.094)−.119 (.628)
TMT B-A (s).172 (.481)−.214 (.379)−.153 (.532).177 (.468).328 (.170)−.159 (.515)

Note. No control participants made an error on the TMT-A. The numbers in parentheses are values.