Research Article

Postural and Balance Disorders in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Prospective Open-Label Feasibility Study with Two Months of Action Observation Treatment

Table 1

Videos for Action observation treatment (AOT) shown to the Parkinson’s disease patients in the present open-label feasibility prospective study.

First 4-week AOT programLast 4-week AOT program

Unsupported Sitting on The Table with Upper Limbs Abducted to 90°. The abduction movement is performed slowly by the actor, remaining for a few seconds with the shoulders abducted to 45° and subsequently completing the articular excursion up to 90°. The position is held for 90 secondsUnsupported Standing with One Foot for at Least 5 Seconds and Then Reverse. The actor shifts his weight first on one foot and then on the other. The foot is kept away from the floor variably from patient to patient, at least 5 seconds. Where necessary, he may lean on the wall with the contralateral hand

Picking Something off the Floor. In the first part of the video, the actor is standing as close as possible to the object; then, bending one knee on the floor surface, he picks it up. After collecting the first object, again from standing position, he flexes the contralateral knee to pick up the second objectWalking Sideways. The exercise is done without sliding foot or twisting body. The actor stands with feet close together. Then, stepping sideways, he moves one feet to the side first and brings the contralateral to join it

Walking in a Straight Path with Upper Limbs Abducted at 90°. Initially, the actor walks back and forth with arms at his sides. The following sequence requires shoulder abduction to 90° wherever possible. Additional external cues, such as marked path, were avoidedOvercoming an Obstacle (Tightrope to 15 cm from the Floor). The actor is standing next to a tightrope to 15cm (at least) from the floor. Firstly, he lifts up one feet placing it over the rope; then, he brings the opposite feet to join it. Subsequently, twisting his body, he returns to start position

Walking in a Not Straight Path with Upper Limbs Abducted at 90°. The actor walks on a curved path, first with his arms at his sides and then with shoulders abducted up to maximum 90°. The patient is asked to walk so that he draws an imaginary “8” on the floorGetting Round Obstacles (Pins). The pins are placed in series across the floor at distances of 40cm. The actor walks through them trying to avoiding them. Arrived at the last one pin, he turns around to restart the exercise