Research Article

The Induction of IgM and IgG Antibodies against HLA or MICA after Lung Transplantation

Table 1

Patient characteristics.


Total number1138
  Deceased4 (36%)1 (3%)
  Male3 (27%)22 (58%)
  Female8 (73%)16 (42%)
Average age (years; SD)45 (+15)42 (+13)
Primary disease
  CF3 (27%)19 (50%)
  EMF5 (46%)9 (24%)
  FD3 (27%)10 (26%)
Type of graft
  Single2 (18%)4 (11%)
  Bilateral9 (82%)34 (89%)
Average ischemic time (minutes; SD)
  Single216 (±70)209 (±43)
  Bilateral317 (±51)322 (±72)
HLA mismatches (average; SD)
  Class I3.6 (±0.7)3.1 (±0.7)
  Class II1.7 (±0.5)1.7 (±0.5)
BOS onset (months; SD)22.5 (±13.9)ND
BOS grade
  I3 (27%)ND
  II2 (18%)
  III6 (55%)

BOS: bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, SD: standard deviation, CF: cystic fibrosis, EMF: emphysema, and FD: fibrotic disease.