Research Article

Subjects with Discordant Airways Obstruction: Lost between Spirometric Definitions of COPD

Table 4

Characteristics of subjects with discordant obstructive findings and comparison to subjects with normal lung function, subjects with restrictive lung function and subjects with concordant obstructive findings. Presented obstructive cases are limited to those with mild to moderate impairment of FEV1 (FEV1 50%–100% pred.).

Discordant obstructive cases# ( 𝑛 = 8 1 )“Normal” lung function$ ( 𝑛 = 4 1 4 )Restrictive lung functionΨ ( 𝑛 = 8 2 )Concordant obstructive cases§ ( 𝑛 = 1 5 6 ) 𝑃 -value* 𝑃 -value** 𝑃 -value

 Age, mean (SE)67 (0.99)54.8 (0.50)59.4 (1.16)60.5 (0.95)<.001<.001<.001
 Sex, male66 (81.5%)230 (55.6%)48 (58.5%)76 (48.7%)<.001.002<.001
 Never smoker33 (40.7%)203 (49.0%)35 (42.7%)45 (28.9%).172.802.065

Respiratory Symptoms ϕ
 Cough14 (17.3%)60 (14.5%)19 (23.2%)51 (32.7%).796.291.009
 Phlegm20 (24.7%)88 (21.3%)23 (28.1%)65 (41.7%).893.442.004
 Dyspnea24 (29.6%)62 (15.0%)29 (35.4%)41 (26.3%).085.084.987

Comorbidities ϕ
 Asthma7 (8.6%)29 (7.0%)5 (6.1%)21 (13.5%).116.172.585
 Heart disease22 (27.2%)30 (7.3%)19 (23.2%)23 (14.7%).015.179.450
 Hypertension33 (40.7%)135 (32.6%)29 (35.4%)55 (35.3%).223.970.689
 Diabetes10 (12.4%)32 (7.7%)8 (9.8%)10 (6.4%).661.538.343
 Stroke6 (7.4%)6 (1.5%)4 (4.9%)3 (1.9%).228.643.156
 Tuberculosis2 (2.5%)10 (2.4%)2 (2.4%)8 (5.1%).479.929.195

#Discordant obstructive cases: FEV1/FVC < 0.70 & ≥LLN.
§Concordant obstructive cases: FEV1/FVC < 0.70 & <LLN.
$Normal lung function: FEV1/FVC > 0.70 & FVC ≥ 80% pred.
ΨRestrictive lung function: FEV1FVC > 0.70 & FVC < 80% pred.
ϕResults adjusted for age.
𝑃 -value for difference between “discordant obstructive cases” and “normal lung function”.
𝑃 -value for difference between “discordant obstructive cases” and “restrictive lung function”.
𝑃 -value for differences between “discordant obstructive cases” and “concordant obstructive cases”.