Review Article

Virus Infection-Induced Bronchial Asthma Exacerbation

Figure 6

Replication of viral RNA in human tracheal epithelial cells at 1 day (24 h) or 3 days (72 h) after infection with type 14 rhinovirus in the presence of procaterol (0.1 μM) (RV + Proc), vehicle (0.01% ethanol) (Control; RV), ICI 118551 (1  𝜇 M ) (RV + ICI) or the presence of procaterol (0.1 μM) plus ICI 118551 (1 μM) (RV + Proc + ICI) as detected by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. The epithelial cells isolated from the same donors were treated with either procaterol, vehicle, ICI 118551, or procaterol plus ICI 118551. The results are expressed as the relative amount of RNA expression (%) compared with that of maximal rhinovirus RNA at day 3 (72 h) in the cells treated with vehicle, and reported as means ± S.E.M. from 5 samples (2 ex-smokers and 3 non-smokers). Significant differences from treatment with a vehicle (RV) at each time are indicated by * 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 . (Cited from [39]).