Research Article

Driving-Related Neuropsychological Performance in Stable COPD Patients

Table 2

Driving-related neuropsychological testing performance data in normal subjects and COPD patients.

ParametersNormal subjects ( )COPD patients ( ) value

SA, (% ile)32.5 (19–39)23.9 (9.3–34.8)NS
RT-V, (% ile)89 (82–89)76 (53.8–88.5)
MR-V, (% ile)79.2 (12.2)59.8 (18.7)
Total RT-V, (% ile)82 (79–87.5)64.5 (59.3–76.5)
RT-A, (% ile)84.5 (70–97)68 (46–83.5)
MR-A, (% ile)72.6 (22)49.2 (24.7)
Total RT-A, (% ile)78.3 (14.2)56.9 (21.6)
PA, (% ile)26.5 (17–38)18 (6–34)NS
TAVTMB, (% ile)25 (21–62)18 (7–24)
Driving ability, accepted/rejected8/213/22

Values are mean ± SD or median (range).
Abbreviations: SA: selective attention; RT-V: reaction time to visual stimuli; MR-V: motor time to visual stimuli; Total RT-V: the sum of reaction and motor time to visual stimuli; RT-A: reaction time to audio stimuli; MR-A: motor time to audio stimuli; Total RT-A: the sum of reaction and motor time to audio stimuli; PA: permanent attention; TAVTMB: tachistoscopic traffic test; , statistically significant; NS: nonsignificant.