Review Article

NO-Donating NSAIDs, PPAR , and Cancer: Does PPAR Contribute to Colon Carcinogenesis?

Table 1

The pros and cons for a role of PPAR in cancer.


PPAR expression is enhanced in colon cancer cells[43]
PPAR expression is repressed by the APC gene[44]
PPAR expression increases as tumor progresses[45]
PPAR genetic disruption decreases tumorigenicity of colorectal cancer cells[46]
PPAR activation accelerates intestinal adenoma growth in Min mice[47]
HCT116 cells exhibit decreased ability to form xenograft tumors[46]
Dietary fish oil/pectin protects against radiation-enhanced colon cancer by upregulating apoptosis, in part,[48]
through PPAR suppression
PPAR expression levels are correlated with advanced pathological tumor stage in tumor patients[49]
PPAR -targeted removal of a hub node of the angiogenic network markedly impairs angiogenesis[49]
and tumor growth in mice
Inhibition of PPAR function reduces growth of epithelial ovarian cancer[50]
Activation of PPAR upregulates VEGF in colon cancer cells[51]
PPAR activation stimulates the proliferation of human breast and prostate cancer cell lines[52]
indirectly transactivates PPAR promoting cell survival and intestinal adenoma formation[53]

PPAR -null Min mice exhibit increased predisposition to intestinal tumorigenesis[54]
PPAR -deficient mice show higher polyp formation[55]
PPAR agonists do not increase cell growth in human cancer cell lines[56]
PPAR is dispensable for polyp formation in the intestine and colon of Min mice[36]
RNA interference against Ppard promotes proliferation of HCT116 cells[57]
Lung tumorigenesis is attenuated in mice with disrupted Ppard[58]
PPAR does not modify impaired mismatch repair-induced neoplasia[59]
PPAR promotes differentiation, inhibiting cell proliferation in keratinocytes[60]
PPAR ligands inhibit TNFα-induced expression of the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and[61]
E-selectin in HUVEC, preventing inflammation
Inhibition of colon carcinogenesis by a PPAR agonist in an azoxymethane mouse model[62]
PPAR activators inhibit TNF -induced endothelial inflammation, in part by interfering with[63]
the NF-κB signaling pathway
PPAR activation by a PPAR agonist produces no change in colon cancer cell growth[52]
PPAR activation by GW0742 inhibits colon polyp multiplicity in mice,[64]
but not in mice