Research Article

A Dominant-Negative PPAR Mutant Promotes Cell Cycle Progression and Cell Growth in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Figure 6

DN-PPAR does not up-regulate phospho-Rb, cyclin A, or MCM7 in PPAR -deficient embryonic stem cells. PPAR -/- ES cells were differentiated and then growth arrested in serum-deprived medium for 24 hours, then infected with or without Ad-GFP, -DN, or WT recombinant adenovirus (MOI = 80) for 48 hours, with or without serum stimulation. Western blot analyses were performed on whole cell extracts of these samples using antibodies specific for the indicated regulatory cell cycle proteins, then stripped and rehybridized with a -actin specific antibody to assess loading variability. Western blots shown are representative of at least three independent experiments.