Research Article

Conditional Expression of Human PPARδ and a Dominant Negative Variant of hPPARδ In Vivo

Figure 4

Expression of hPPARδ and hPPARδΔAF2 abolish bezafibrate-induced hepatomegaly in liver. Animals ( = 2–4 animals per group) were fed a diet containing I3C (0.5% (w/w)) for 10 days prior to being placed on diets containing I3C (0.5% (w/w)) (Control diet; open bars), or a diet containing I3C (0.5% (w/w)) and GW501516 (0.005% (w/w)) (GW501516 diet; black bars) or a diet containing I3C (0.5% (w/w)) and bezafibrate (0.5% (w/w)) (bezafibrate diet; striped bars) for a further 10 days. (a) Liver weights of animals are expressed as a percentage of body weight. (b) Liver Acox1 mRNA expression. Graphs were analysed using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test in GraphPad Prism version 5.0c, GraphPad Software, San Diego, California, USA. Significance is indicated as ( ; ; ).