Clinical Study

A Cytohistologic Correlation of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Emphasizing the Rare Oncocytic Variant

Table 1

Clinicopathologic data on 23 patients with mucoepidermoid carcinoma.

FNA-Dx % casesGender (M : F)Avg-Age (yrs)Avg-Size (cm)LocationAvg-time between FNA & resection

CW/SO MEC (12/23) 52%8 : 4491.611/12 parotid, 1 tongue5 weeks
SGN (6/23) 26%4 : 2522.56/6 parotid4 weeks
Neg or inflamm (5/23) 22%1 : 4501.65/5 parotid22 weeks

Dx:Diagnosis, Avg:Average, CW:Consistent with, SO:Suggestive of, SGN:salivary gland neoplasm, Neg:Negative, Inflamm:Inflammatory.