Clinical Study

A Cytohistologic Correlation of Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Emphasizing the Rare Oncocytic Variant

Table 3

Cytologic/Histologic diagnosis comparison.

FNA DX (23 cases)FS DX (9/23 cases)Histologic grade

C/W MEC (7/23) MEC (3/5)LGMEC (2/7)
Adenocarcinoma (1/5)IGMEC (4/7)
Cystic Neop with papillary-features (1/5)HGMEC (1/7)

S/O MEC (5/23)SO MEC (1/2)LGMEC (3/5)
NTS (1/2)IGMEC (2/5)

SGN: (6/23)None performed
Favor WT (2/6)LGMEC (1/2)
IGMEC (1/2)
Favor ACC(2/6)LGMEC (2/2)
Favor BMT versus MEC or ADCC (1/6)LGMEC (1/1)
Neop with squ-feat (1/6)IGMEC (1/1)

Neg or inflamm (5/23)LG-CA (1/2)LGMEC (4/5)
WT (1/2)IGMEC (1/5)

Dx:Diagnosis, Avg:Average, CW:Consistent with, SO:Suggestive of, SGN:salivary gland neoplasm, Neg:Negative, Inflamm:Inflammatory.