Review Article

[Retracted] Oral Carcinogenesis and Oral Cancer Chemoprevention: A Review

Table 1

Potential biomarkers for oral carcinogenesis.

Category of biomarkersMeasurements

GenomicMicronuclei, DNA adduct, DNA content, Chromosomal aberration
OncogenicOncogenic expression, Modified tumor suppressor genes, Src genes
ProliferationNuclear and cyclin related antigens, Mitotic frequency, Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), Polyamines
DifferentiationCytokeratins, Transglutaminase Type I, Transcription factor (AP)-1
Oxidative stressGlutathione S-transferase, Stress proteins (HSPs), Superoxide dismutase
ApoptosisBcl-2 family, Chromatin condensation factors, Caspases, Mitochondrial pathway
ImmunologicVarious cytokines