Review Article

A Review of Carcinomas Arising in the Head and Neck Region in HIV-Positive Patients

Table 3

Merkel cell carcinoma in head and neck sites of HIV positive patients (reproduced from Izikson et al. [61]).

SexRaceAge (years)SiteHIV Dx to MCC (years)CD4 (cells/ 𝜇 L)Viral load (copies/mL)TreatmentOn HAARTSurvival (months)

MNA60NoseNA329 (2 yrs after Dx)NAMohs XRtYes24
FAfrican black36Left earNA6324,000WLEYes>9
FAfrican black albino25Right cheekNA332187,000Chemo, XRt, WLEYes (after Dx)12
MCaucasian48Scalp12NormalUndetectableWLE, XRtYes>12

Dx: diagnosis, XRt: radiation therapy, NA: not available, Chemo.: chemotherapy, WLE: wide local excision.