Review Article

Issues Related to Sentinel Lymph Node Assessment in the Management of Breast Cancer—What Are Relevant in Pathology Reports?

Table 2

Important studies on micrometastatic nodes in breast cancer.

AuthorStudyMedian FUPatient numberConclusion

Bulte et al. [18]7 hospitals in Netherlands3.8 years503 pN0
38 pNmi
Local relapse—5(1.0%) versus 1(2.6%)
Regional relapse—0% versus 0%
Distant relapse—17(3.4%) versus 3(7.9%)
Combined locoregional relapse—1(0.2%) versus 0%
Combined regional and distant relapse—3(0.6%) versus 0% (n.s., see text for details)
Hainsworth et al. [19]St Vincent's Hospital, Australia6.6 years31/343 occult node metastases found on IHC, plus 10 found on H&EAmong the 31 patients, presence of occult metastases in 2 or more nodes was associated with decreased DFS and OS ( 𝑃 < . 0 5 )
Truong et al. [20]Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results database7.3 years62,551 pT1–2pN0-:
57,980 pN0,
1818 pNmi,
2753 pNmac >2 mm but <2 cm
10-year BCSS (82.3% versus 91.9%) and OS (68.1% versus 75.7%) in pNmi compared to pN0.
Colleoni et al. [29]Italian medical oncology department4.2 years1959 pT1-3, pN0, pN1mi or pN0i+), or pN1a (single positive node) and M0pN1mi/pN0i+ versus pN0 disease: HR = 1.58; 95% CI, 1.01 to 2.47; 𝑃 = . 0 4 7 for DFS; HR = 1.94; 95% CI, 1.04 to 3.64; 𝑃 = . 0 3 7 for distant metastases.
de Boer et al. [21]Dutch cohort study of all centers in Netherlands (MIRROR study)5.1 years(a) 856 Nmi/ITC without adjuvant therapy,
(b) 995 Nmi/ITC with adjuvant therapy,
(c) 856 node-negative
Disease events:
(a) for Nmi: HR 1.56 (95% CI:1.15-2.13; for ITC:HR 1.50 (95% CI:1.15-1.94)
(b) HR 0.57 (95% CI:0.45-0.73)
Houvenaeghel et al. [33]A French centerSN involvement in 388 times (55.4%) by H&E, 312 times by IHCMay omit additional ALND for pT1a and pT1b tumors, and pT1a-c tumors corresponding to tubular, colloidal or medullary cancers

ALND: axilllary lymph node dissection; DFS: disease-free survival; FU: followup; n.s.: statistically nonsignificant; OS: overall survival; SNB: sentinel node biopsy; s.s.: statistically nonsignificant.