Research Article

Comparison of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Thyroid Scan in Solitary Thyroid Nodule

Figure 2

Photomicrograph of FNAC (a) and (b) (H&E) follicular neoplasms, showing marked cellularity, discohesion, single cells, Predominantly microfollicles and/or trabeculae, uniformly enlarged cells, crowding, scant colloid, marked nuclear atypia, mitosis and necrosis is uncommon. (c) Histopathology (H&E 10x) of follicular carcinoma showing capsular (thin arrow) and vascular invasion (thick arrow). (d) Follicular adenoma, (H&E 10x) where no capsular invasion is seen while histologic evidence of invasion is the gold standard of malignancy for the follicular lesions.