Research Article

Comparison of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Thyroid Scan in Solitary Thyroid Nodule

Table 5

Distribution of subjects by benign and malignant lesions FNAC and histopathology.

Classification (benign = 23 and malignant = 5)FNAC ( š‘› = 5 0 ) Histopathology ( š‘› = 5 0 )

Colloid cyst07 (30.43%)7 (14%)
Multi nodular colloid goitre02 (8.70%)2 (4%)
Colloid goiter12 (52.17%)12 (24%)
Chroinic lymphocytic thyroiditis02 (8.70%)2 (4%)
Follicular lesions (neoplasm)21Nil
Follicular adenomaā€”18 (36%)
Diffuse hyperplasiaā€”1 (2%)
Hyperplastic noduleā€”3 (6%)
ā€ƒPapillary carcinoma03 (60.0%)2 (4%)
ā€ƒMedullary carcinoma01 (20.0%)1 (2%)
ā€ƒAnaplastic carcinoma01 (20.0%)1 (2%)
ā€ƒFolicular carcinomaā€”1 (2%)