Clinical Study

Retrospective Case-Control Study of Apolipoprotein J/Clusterin Protein Expression in Early Liveborn Neonatal Deaths with and without Pontosubicular Necrosis

Figure 1

Box and whisker plots showing the gestation in weeks, duration of labour in hours, postnatal age in hours, semiquantitative neuronal Apo J, total duration of labour plus postnatal age in hours and presence or absence of asphyxia, and total duration of labour plus Postnatal Age and presence or absence of neuronal Apo J positivity with and without pontosubicular necrosis.
(a) Box and whisker plots showing the gestation in weeks (median and range) in cases with and without pontosubicular necrosis (PSN)
(b) Box and whisker plots showing the duration of labour in hours (median and range) in cases with and without pontosubicular necrosis
(c) Box and whisker plots showing the postnatal age in hours (median and range) in cases with and without pontosubicular necrosis
(d) Bar chart showing semiquantitive neuronal Apo J (mean and sd) grading in the pons and hippocampus of cases with and without PSN
(e) Total duration of labour plus postnatal age (median and range) and presence or absence of clinical asphyxia with and without PSN
(f) Total duration of labour plus postnatal (median and range) and presence or absence of neuronal Apo J positivity with and without PSN