Research Article

A Prospective Study of Soft Tissue Tumors Histocytopathology Correlation

Figure 2

(a) Benign mesenchymal lesion (giant cell tumor of tendon sheath) cytology: dispersed rounded cells with rounded nuclei exhibiting moderate cellular pleomorphism and osteoclast like giant cells (Giemsa ×100). (b) Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath: mononuclear histiocytoid cells with variably prominent eosinophilic cytoplasm and scattered osteoclastic giant cells (H&E ×200). (c) Benign mesenchymal lesion (tuberous xanthoma) cytology: ovoid to plump benign spindle cell clusters (Giemsa ×400). (d) Tuberous xanthoma: large and small aggregates of foamy cells admixed with few nonfoamy cells and interspersed collagen bundles (H&E ×100, inset ×400). (e) Benign mesenchymal lesion (neurofibroma) cytology: highly cellular smears consisting of plump to tapered spindle shaped cells (Giemsa ×100). (f) Neurofibroma: arranged tumor cells nuclei which show a typical fascicular pattern of growth and serpentine shape (arrow) (H&E ×200).