Research Article

Potential for Cell-Transplant Therapy with Human Neuronal Precursors to Treat Neuropathic Pain in Models of PNS and CNS Injury: Comparison of hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 Cell Lines

Figure 6

Comparison of graft sites of hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 in the QUIS and severe contusive-SCI models, respectively, at 6 weeks after cell transplant. (a) Sagittal section of anti-GABA-immunostained QUIS + hNT2.17 transplant lumbar spinal cord 6 weeks after grafting. Easily detectible hNT2.17 cells stain for GABA (arrows) on the pial membranes. (b) Sagittal section of anti-NuMA-immunostained QUIS + hNT2.17 transplant lumbar spinal cord 6 weeks after grafting. Easily detectible hNT2.17 cells stain for NuMA (arrows) on the pial membranes in adjacent sections. The hNT2.19 were alternately injected into the subarachnoid space two weeks after severe contusive SCI. Cell graft sites were co-localized with 5HT (c) and the human-specific marker TuJ1(d) (neuron-specific class III β-tubulin). There are many surviving hNT2.19 (d) grafted cells visible on the pial surface, which stain for TuJ1 (arrows) at the end of the experiment, 56 days after SCI and about 6 weeks after cell transplant. Adjacent sections with the same grafted hNT2.19 (c) are labeled for 5HT (arrows). Magnification bar = 20 μm.