Review Article

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Standardized Assessment Tools in the Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and in the Assessment of Fibromyalgia Severity

Table 1

Recommended assessments for fibromyalgia diagnosis and core symptom domains.

Symptom domainAssessment

Diagnosis1990 ACR fibromyalgia classification criteria utilizing the MTPS
Pain intensityNRS from question 5 of the BPI
Physical functioningFIQR physical functioning subscale
Overall/Global improvementPGIC and FIQR global score
Cognitive dysfunctionMASQ
Multidimensional function/health-related quality of lifeFIQR
Sleep disturbanceJSS

ACR: american college of rheumatology, BPI: brief pain inventory, FIQR: revised fibromyalgia impact questionnaire, FIS: fibromyalgia intensity score, FSS: fatigue severity scale, HADS-D: depression subscale of hospital anxiety and depression scale, JSS: jenkins sleep scale, MASQ: multiple abilities self-report questionnaire, MTPS: manual tender point survey, NRS: numeric rating scale, PGIC: patient global impression of change.