Research Article

Depressive Symptoms, Pain, and Quality of Life among Patients with Nonalcohol-Related Chronic Pancreatitis

Table 2

Independent -tests between participants who met cut-off criteria for depressive symptoms and those who did not meet symptoms criteria and quality of life and pain on average.

Depressive symptomsNo depressive symptoms

Physical QOLa34.2 ± 7.637.6 ± 8.25.3 0.0001
Mental QOLb44.9 ± 8.249.0 ± 7.35.3 0.0001
Painc5.5 ± 2.53.4 ± 2.99.9 0.0001

. However, the sample size for some of the variables is smaller due to missing data. a . b . c .