Research Article

The Associations between Pain Sensitivity and Knee Muscle Strength in Healthy Volunteers: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Demographics of subjects and summaries of pain sensitivity assessments. Data are given as mean, standard deviation (SD), minimum, and maximum unless otherwise indicated.


Age, years26.8 (4.8)18.835.6
Height, cm170.8(7.0)156.0184.0
Weight, kg72.9(11.2)53.098.8
Body mass index, kg/m224.9(3.3)18.332.6
Female/male sex, (%)21/7(75/25%)
Isometric muscle strength
 Knee Extension, Nm/kg2.2(0.4)1.43.6
 Knee Flexion, Nm/kg1.1(0.3)0.71.9
 Vastus Lateralis, kPa275(128)137804
 Deltoideus, kPa294(196)29765
 Infrapatellar fat pad, kPa402(186)137801
PPTCUFF lower leg, kPa20.9(6.6)10.336.7
Experimental pain intensity
 Vastus Lateralis, mm39.6(24.2)0.0100.0
 Deltoideus, mm33.6(19.5)0.077.0
 Infrapatellar fat pad, mm50.3(27.3)0.0100.0
Experimental pain duration
 Vastus Lateralis, s553.1(195.9)0.01099.0
 Deltoideus, s462.8(239.9)0.01100.0
 Infrapatellar fat pad, s727.7(278.5)0.01200.0

PPTCCPA: pressure pain threshold assessed by computer-controlled pressure algometry; PPTCUFF: pressure pain threshold assessed by computerized cuff algometry.