Clinical Study

Can Fluctuations in Vital Signs Be Used for Pain Assessment in Critically Ill Patients with a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics and medical variables of study participants involved in initial data collection ( ) and subsample involved in a second data collection ( )

VariablesParticipants involved in initial data collection
( )
Subsample involved in a second data collection
( )

Age median (min–max)58 (17–87)39 (18–77)

Gender (%)
 Male30 (66.7%)8 (61.5%)
 Female15 (33.3%)5 (38.5%)

Ethnicity (%)
 Caucasian37 (82.2%)10 (76.9%)
 Black 2 (4.4%)1 (7.7%)
 Hispanic2 (4.4%)
 First nation2 (4.4%)2 (14.4%)
 Other2 (4.4%)

Cause of TBI (%)
 Fall27 (60.0%)4 (30.8%)
 Motor vehicle (MV) accident9 (20.0%)5 (38.5%)
 Struck by MV5 (11.1%)2 (15.4%)
 Assault2 (4.4%)1 (7.7%)
 Other2 (4.4%)1 (7.7%)

TBI severity (%)
 Mild6 (13.3%)
 Moderate15 (33.3%)
 Severe24 (53.3%)13 (100.0%)

TBI localisation area (%)
 Frontal 12 (26.7%)3 (23.08%)
 Temporal 12 (26.7%)1 (7.69%)
 Frontotemporal10 (22.2%)6 (46.15%)
 Temporoparietal8 (17.7%)2 (15.38%)
 Occipital 3 (6.7%)1 (7.69%)

LOC category (%)
 Unconscious8 (17.8%)
 Altered LOC21 (46.7%)4 (30.8%)
 Conscious16 (35.6%)9 (69.2%)

APACHE II score median (min–max)14 (6–25)17 (9–25)

ISS score median (min–max)9 (9–34)9 (9–25)

RASS score median (min–max)−3 (−4 to 1)−4 (−4 to −2)

APACHE II indicates acute physiology and chronic health evaluation.
ISS indicates injury severity score.
RASS indicates Richmond agitation sedation scale.