Clinical Study

Can Fluctuations in Vital Signs Be Used for Pain Assessment in Critically Ill Patients with a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Table 3

Main effects and interaction effects of assessment periods and procedures on participants’ ( ) mean fluctuations in vital signs at initial data collection.

ConditionsMauchly’s test for sphericityTwo-way RM ANOVA
(Sphericity assumed) (Greenhouse-Geisser)

Assessment periods—3 levels (before, during, and 15 min after)
 Diastolic 0.8676.087**
 End-tidal CO20.9591.127

Procedures—2 levels (NIBP-turning)
 Systolic NA0.391
 Diastolic NA1.062
 End tidal CO2NA0.127

Interactions (assessment periods × procedures)
 Systolic 0.849*0.235
 Diastolic 0.9720.735
 End tidal CO20.8400.423

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NA indicates nonapplicable.