Research Article

Use and Indications of Human Acellular Dermis in Ventral Hernia Repair at a Community Hospital

Table 7

Comparisons of recurrence rate based on operative details.

VariablesRecurrence No
P value

Associated cases22% 19% 0.8
Method of procedure
 Open 78% 87% 0.4
 Laparoscopic 11% 0%
 Lap converted to open 11% 13%
Component separation11% 16% 0.7
Type of repair
 Primary closure w/overlay 52% 81%
 Bridge 30% 6% 0.040
 Underlay 18% 13%
Amount of mesh (cm2) 0.6
OR time (minutes) 0.1
Estimated blood loss (mL) 1.0