Clinical Study

Biologic Collagen Cylinder with Skate Flap Technique for Nipple Reconstruction

Table 1

Patient demographics.

Total number of patients = 83

AgeRange: 32–73 years old
Mean: 50.4 years old

BMIRange: 15.8–48.4
Mean: 28.0

Indication for surgeryIC = 40 patients (48.2%)
DCIS = 35 patients (42.2%)
LC = 1 patient (1.2%)
Paget’s = 1 patient (1.2%)
BRCA+ = 1 patient (1.2%)
Benign mass = 1 patient (1.2%)
Unknown = 4 patients (4.8%)

Diabetes (Type II)9 patients (10.8%)

Hypertension33 patients (39.8%)

Smoking (or tobacco products)14 patients (16.9%)

Preoperative chemotherapy22 patients (26.5%)

Postoperative chemotherapy 48 patients (57.8%)

Chemotherapy alone
(no radiation)
42 patients (50.6%)

Preoperative radiation6 patients (7.2%)

Postoperative radiation14 patients (16.9%)

Radiation alone
(no chemotherapy)
2 patients (2.4%)

Combined chemotherapy and radiation15 patients (18.1%)

No adjuvant cancer treatment8 patients (9.6%)

Unknown cancer treatment16 patients (19.3%)

IC: infiltrating carcinoma, DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ, LC: lobular carcinoma, Paget’s: Paget’s disease of the nipple, and BRCA+: positive breast cancer gene.