Research Article

Male Remating Success and the Frequency of Copulatory Plugs in the Green Lynx Spider Peucetia viridans (Araneae, Oxyopidae)

Table 1

Mating trial results for male Peucetia viridans with consecutive female partners (A, B, C). Postmating condition of pairs is as follows: For Females: plug in epigynum (left: L, right: R, orifices): C, complete; Pr: partial; N: absent (male paracymbial processes (p) are noted when present); female fertile (= live young from resulting egg sac(s)), yes or no; For Males: palp (paracymbial) process missing, left (L), right (R) palp. Source and identification numbers of spiders are given in the text.

MalePost-MatingFemale AFemale BFemale C

Plug in epigynum (L/R)N/N(p)N(p)/NPr/N
Palp process missingRL/RL/R
Female fertileyesyesyes

Plug in epigynum (L/R)N/NC(p)/C(p)C/C
Palp process missingnoneL/RL/R
Female fertileno1yesyes

Plug in epigynum (L/R)C(p)/C(p)C/CC/Pr
Palp process missingL/RL/RL/R
Female fertileyesyesyes

Plug in epigynum (L/R)N/NN/NN/N
Palp process missingL/RL/RL/R
Female fertileyesno2no3

Plug in epigynum (L/R)C(p)/C(p)N/NPr/C
Palp process missingL/RL/RL/R
Female fertileyesyesyes

Plug in epigynum (L/R)N(p)/N(p)C/CC/C
Palp process missingL/RL/RL/R
Female fertileyesyesyes

Plug in epigynum (L/R)N/C(p)Pr/CC/C
Palp process missingRL/RL/R
Female fertileno4yesyes

1Two egg sacs produced, both with undeveloped eggs.
2No egg sac produced.
3Two egg sacs produced, first with undeveloped eggs, second with no eggs.
4One egg sac produced, filled with undeveloped eggs.