Research Article

A Rearing Method for Argynnis (Speyeria) diana (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) That Avoids Larval Diapause

Table 1

Egg production and survival of Argynnis diana females held in captivity for rearing and their progeny.

Butterfly IDTotal number of eggsNumber of hatched eggs (hatch rate)Number of larvae surviving to second instarNumber of larvae surviving to last instarNumber of pupating larvaeNumber of adults (% ecolosion)

NC-11605746 (47%)203 (27%)54246 (25%)
NC-200 (0%)
NC-31499428 (29%)115 (27%)
NC-41574881 (56%)155 (18%)36137 (54%)
NC-51041771 (74%)211 (27%)72193 (16%)
NC-61163834 (72%)427 (51%)4010
NC-71265816 (65%)280 (34%)5582 (25%)
NC-81386963 (70%)307 (32%)

NC Totals95335440 (57%)1698 (27%)2577418 (24%)

GA-15025 (50%)15 (60%)975 (71%)
GA-25020 (40%)6 (30%)5
GA-35029 (58%)20 (69%)1693 (33%)

*GA Totals15074 (49%)41 (53%)30168 (50%)

TN-15028 (56%)12 (43%)4
TN-25035 (70%)29 (83%)1784 (50%)
TN-35030 (60%)25 (83%)1353 (60%)

*TN Totals15093 (62%)66 (69%)34137 (54%)

*Ova collected from three females in Rabun County, GA ( 𝑁 = 1 5 0 ), as well as three females in Logan County, TN ( 𝑁 = 1 5 0 ), were donated from colleagues, E. Smith and I. Finkelstein.