Review Article

Effects of Abiotic Factors on the Geographic Distribution of Body Size Variation and Chromosomal Polymorphisms in Two Neotropical Grasshopper Species (Dichroplus: Melanoplinae: Acrididae)

Table 1

Correlation coefficients and their statistical significance between an estimator of body size (BL: body length) and several geographic and environmental predictors for males (M) and females (F) of two grasshopper species.

Variable*Correlation coefficient (P)
Dichroplus pratensisDichroplus vittatus

LAT−0.70 (<0.001)−0.76 (<0.001)−0.64 (0.003)−0.65 (0.003)
ALT−0.39 ns−0.51 (<0.001)nsns
TMEAN0.71 (<0.001)0.65 (<0.001)0.52 (0.021)0.60 (0.006)
TMAX0.70 (<0.001)0.63 (<0.001)nsns
TMIN0.59 (0.002)0.53 (0.007)0.58 (0.010)0.70 (0.001)
CVTnsns−0.67 (0.002)−0.75 (<0.001)
TMm0.73 (<0.001)0.44 (0.029)nsns
PANNU0.56 (0.004)0.40 (0.044)nsns
PMAX0.43 (0.031)0.42 (0.039)nsns
PMIN0.48 (0.014)ns−0.53 (0.020)−0.50 (0.028)
CVPnsns0.56 (0.012)0.52 (0.024)
PMm0.49 (0.013)0.42 (0.039)0.47 (0.043)ns
PET0.59 (0.002)0.48 (0.016)ns0.46 (0.047)
AET0.48 (0.014)0.50 (0.011)nsns

*LAT: latitude in decimal degrees; ALT: altitude in metres above sea level; TMEAN: mean annual temperature (in Celcius degrees); TMAX: mean annual maximum temperature; TMIN: mean annual minimum temperature; CVT: coefficient of variation of TMEAN; TMm: mean difference between maximum and minimum monthly temperatures; PANNU: total annual precipitation (in mm/year); PMAX: mean maximum monthly precipitation; PMIN: mean minimum monthly precipitation; CVP: coefficient of variation of PANNU; PMm: mean difference between maximum and minimum monthly precipitation; PET: potential evapotranspiration (the Priestley-Taylor equation); AET: actual evapotranspiration (the Thornthwaite formula); WB: water balance; ns = non-significant.