Research Article

Biogeographic Patterns of Finnish Crane Flies (Diptera, Tipuloidea)

Table 5

“Endemic” Fennoscandian crane fly (Diptera, Tipuloidea) species occurring in Finland, their current and predicted ranges and notes on taxonomic status of each species. See the text for details.

OccurrenceTaxonomyTrue range

Dicranomyia lulensis FIN1, SWE2OKPalaearctic, boreal, and hemiarctic?
Limonia messaurea m. FIN, SWEOK, separate ssp. in the Russian Far EastPalaearctic, boreal?
Rhabdomastix parva FIN, SWE, NOR3, ICE4ParthenogeneticArctic?
Symplecta lindrothi FIN, SWEOKPalaearctic, boreal, and temperate?
Tipula fendleri FINPerhaps a syn. of T. nigrolamina Boreo-montane, Trans-Palaearctic?
Cylindrotoma borealis FIN, NOR, RKar5Perhaps intraspecific variation of C. distinctissima Holarctic?

1Finland, 2Sweden, 3Norway, 4Iceland, 5Russian Karelia.