Research Article

Foraging Activity and Trophic Spectrum of Red Ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus Smith, 1858, in Productivity-Contrasted Microenvironments

Figure 2

Resources removed from the ant mandibles during the rainy and dry season in two contrasting sites at the “Helia Bravo” Botanical Garden at Zapotitlán de las Salinas, Puebla, Mexico. a: algae; b: buds; c: capitate; cp: caterpillars; e: excretes; f: fruits; fl: flowers; fv: fleshy vegetal tissue; in: insects; l: leaves; lc: lichen; p: peels; pa: pieces of arthropods; pp: pupae; s: seeds; sl: soil; sn: snails; t: twigs; vd: vegetal debris.